In this modern age of instant gratification and hustle culture, when our health shifts for whatever reason – a lifestyle change, stress,  the resulting recovery time can be incredibly frustrating. We are expected to push through and deliver even when we‘re feeling unwell, and the expectation to dust yourself off and get back on the proverbial horse after a major illness, or pregnancy, or family crisis, this unreasonable ‘fake resilience’ penetrates just about every industry. While we’re all for cheering on the go-getters, bootstrappers, and career folk, we also want to point out that there is no one size fits all solution when a health challenge comes along because of decades of not taking care of our bodies, and telling ourselves to “Just get over it,” and “Toughen up,” as if that would do our bodies any good. While it would be ideal to give ourselves a timeline for healing from a chronic disease, a major surgery, or giving birth, it is important to understand that healing is not linear.

We believe in the mind, body, spirit connection, and we believe that by God’s divine, intricate design, our beautiful bodies need a little more TLC than we’re often willing to give. The more we push, push, push past whatever the issue(s) might be on the front-end, the more we compound the work on the backend to unwind what’s broken in order to fully heal. Most often, a chronic health issue didn’t pop up overnight so the amount of time to heal likely won’t either.

Frustrating? Sure. Catastrophic? Nah.

At the risk of sounding trite and altruistic, we encourage you to be patient with yourself. Like an onion, our bodies are layered, and our healing is too. One day you might feel great (and yay for improvement!), but don’t be discouraged if the next week pulls you back down. Sometimes our bodies are simply crying out for rest, but other times, this means you’ve healed one layer and another painful root pulls through. You’re not going backwards! It’s all part of the process. The name of the game at Centro Holistico is root-cause therapy, and we’re here to walk alongside you through our mind, body and spirit therapies as you peel back the layers to your best self.

If you’re currently feeling great and this really doesn’t apply to you, fantastic! At Centro Holistico we advocate preventative care and self-care. While the following services are beautiful additions to a gentle detox, IV nutrition therapy, acupuncture, and colon cleanses also serve as valuable tools in preventative care to keep both acute illness and chronic conditions at bay. Start your journey with a Holistic Medical Consultation with Live Blood Analysis so you can understand your body, mind, and spirit better as your Centro doctor helps you get to the root cause. They will then put you on a program with suggested services that will help you function at optimal levels to keep you feeling your best and to ease the healing process if and when a health struggle pops up.  Be patient with yourself and focus on how far you’ve come in the healing process. And remember, when frustration starts to creep in, look at the situation with kindness and compassion and know that it too shall pass, because healing is not linear!