Naturopathic medicine has been growing in popularity especially for first-time moms.

While it may sound like something new, naturopathic medicine has existed thousands of years ago. And truth is, you might even be practicing some of its concepts without knowing.

So what is naturopathic medicine, and how can you, as a first-time mom, benefit from it?

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What is Naturopathic Medicine?


WebMD defines naturopathic medicine as a system that prioritizes the use of natural remedies. These treatments include a number of traditional therapies like herbal medicine, massage, acupuncture, and nutritional counseling.

The goal is to treat a person as a whole. Naturopathic doctors may spend hours checking on the status of your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

A Holistic Approach to Pregnancy


There are many reasons why you should consider a holistic approach to pregnancy.

For starters, a holistic pregnancy considers all aspects of your family’s life. This helps you prepare better for your pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.

It also starts with the least invasive approach. It includes low-intervention approaches and the appropriate use of technology. Certified doctors and highly trained health professionals will also assist you and your family every step of the way.

So what are the benefits of holistic pregnancy?

  • Your body heals and recovers quicker.
  • Breastfeeding will come easier for you and your baby.
  • It lessens your exposure to unnecessary medicine and other side effects of medical intervention.

What to Expect with Naturopathic Pregnancy Care


Pregnancy comes with a lot of discomforts, especially during the first trimester. At this time, your body goes through many changes.

First Trimester

Your belly may not show yet, but the changes inside the body can be troublesome for some mothers.

Hormonal changes can cause fatigue, lethargy, nausea, and vomiting. Some women also experience aversions to different food and smell.

Emotions can also be at a high and low. This is due to the rapid rise of HCG, which are hormones needed by the baby to grow healthy and strong.

It is best for mothers to undergo a holistic medical consultation with certified doctors. Physicians will address the mother’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The program starts with a consultation to better understand the mother’s current health status. A live blood analysis then was done to know more about the mother’s nutritional status. Once results are in, they would then make recommendations that will cater to the new mother’s needs.

These may include complementary treatments such as acupuncture, IV drips, and other nutritional advice to keep you and your baby strong and healthy.

Second Trimester

For most, the second semester is the honeymoon phase.

Your belly will be bigger, and you will feel your baby’s movement inside your tummy. Your body may also be much more manageable, and some of the difficult symptoms may subside.

You may feel more energetic and your levels of fatigue may also decrease. During this time, your naturopathic doctor may recommend some exercises you can do at home to strengthen your back and core.

At this stage, your naturopathic doctor will give you more tips on the right nutrition you need for you and your growing baby. They can also help alleviate common pregnancy concerns like heartburn and constipation.

Pregnancy massages help moms enjoy their pregnancy. And relaxation practices help prepare their mind and bodies for childbirth.

Third Trimester

A holistic approach to pregnancy helps prepare you and your family for the upcoming birth.

Most first-time moms feel like ticking bombs during the third trimester. And counting the days till delivery can cause stress and anxiety. But with the right guidance, your support team can help prepare you for the process of labor and childbirth.

Your health provider can help you understand the benefits and risks of childbirth. And they can also guide you in choosing your birth plan.

Holistic pregnancy care can also lessen the expectant mother’s anxiety over the birth. Aromatherapy and essential oils can help mothers relax. Certain essential oils can also induce labor and can be present during labor and delivery.

For example, lavender can help calm and soothe emotions and ease anxiety. Clary sage, a uterine tonic can help with the strength and pace of contractions. Peppermint helps awaken the senses and keep the mother alert during labor and delivery.

Acupuncture can also help relieve aches and pains during the third trimester. It can also be used to address digestive discomforts and swelling. Pregnant women who regularly attend acupuncture schedules have experienced smoother labor and lesser complications after birth.

Get Holistic Healing from Centro Holistico


If you’re looking for a wellness consultation in Manila, head on to Centro Holistico Integrative Health and Wellness.

Centro Holistico is composed of a group of medical doctors that practice Integrative Medicine, wherein some Naturopathic medicine principles are integrated into their practice. Formed early in 2013, the goal of the group was to promote holistic medicine, as well as alternative and complementary medical treatments to the country.

They also want to educate Filipinos about the benefits of alternative medicine like acupuncture, live blood analysis, heavy metal detox, and other treatments.

Try out their wellness center in Pasig at The Grove or their wellness center in Alabang for a wellness check.

Book an appointment today and take care of you and your baby the holistic way. Contact our wellness clinics in Alabang or Pasig for any inquiries.